Discovery trekking to the nomads on the Tibetan plateau in the east of Ladakh
„Where travelers are part of the solution, not part of the problem!” With Fair Trails® we want to make the world a little bit better. That is precisely why it is important to responsibly select those regions where we develop a Fair Trail and put them to the test with our Explorer Tours.
The mountainous region of Ladakh is located in the northwest of India and fascinates with an impressive mountain world and its Tibetan-Buddhist culture, which is why it is also called “Little Tibet”. While the capital Leh, situated 3,500 meters above sea level, can be easily reached through its airport, the “wild” east of Ladakh in particular is still virtually unknown to travelers. And exactly here, in the region of Rumtse, lies the destination of this extraordinary Explorer Tour. The demanding trekking at high altitude (the route leads us several times over the 5.000m limit) will open breathtaking views to us: Above the wide grassy plains of the Changthang, the Tibetan plateau, where the yak herds of the nomads graze, rise ice-armored mountain ridges, on whose slopes Buddhist monasteries cling like swallows’ nests. And to top it all off, the great salt lakes, like turquoise jewels, are speckled into the landscape.
What brings us now to the far east of Ladakh? For many years, our Indian partner GHE has been working to improve the living conditions of the people of Ladakh. Among other things with their award-winning electrification expeditions. On this Explorer Tour we will dive into the life of the remote mountain villages and the nomads to improve the urgently needed water supply on the one hand and to save valuable firewood on the other hand with special solar powered water boilers.
Date I Duration:
Land I Region:
Type of travel:
30. September – 14. October 2022 I 14 days
India I Ladakh
Challenging high altitude trekking in the remote east of Ladakh
To the nomads on the Tibetan plateau Changthang
Solar-powered water heaters for remote mountain villages in Ladakh
Design a new Fair Trail with us

Landscape in harmony with spirituality: Buddhist Lamaist monastery in Ladakh. Not for nothing Ladakh is called “Little Tibet © GHE
This Fair Trails® Explorer Tour is a challenging high altitude trekking in the so far little known east of Ladakh. We are therefore looking for experienced adventure travelers with a spirit of discovery, tolerance, patience and a sense of humor, because not everything will always go according to plan on this expedition. Your mission will be to explore and design a new Fair Trail together with the impact professionals of GHE India and the experienced expert for development cooperation and Fair Trails® Explorer Peter Scheuch. To lay the foundation for a fair and responsible tourism, for a careful and sustainable development in the breathtakingly beautiful east of Ladakh.

Like swallows’ nests, the mighty monastery castles cling to the slopes of the Himalayan mountains in Ladakh © GHE
A voyage of discovery to the nomads on the Tibetan plateau

The inhabitants of the highlands of Ladakh, the Ladakhi, are closely related to the Tibetans. Very special is their language, which is an ancient variant of the Tibetan language © GHE
The Fair Trails® travel destination: Ladakh
If you look at pictures of Ladakh, you will think less of India and more of the magic of Tibet: barren plateaus with shimmering turquoise mountain lakes, picturesque defiant monastery castles and towered over by glacier-covered mountain peaks. No wonder Indians have always been fascinated by their most northwestern region and called it “Little Tibet”. Whether as an exotic destination or as a pilgrimage destination, a respectable tourism has developed during the last decades, especially around Leh, the picturesque capital of Ladakh located 3,500m above sea level. But Ladakh is huge and especially the east of the country with its boundless Tibetan plateau, the Changthang, is far off the beaten track. The ideal destination for this so extraordinary exploration tour to combine a breathtaking trekking experience with a very special impact project: Our Indian partners GHE have been dedicated for many years to the sustainable development of Ladakh and in particular to improving living conditions in its remote mountain villages. Together with the team of GHE we will bring and install solar-powered water boilers to the farmers and nomads of the Changthang. This will improve their water supply and save valuable firewood in the future.

Bizarre mountain formations, vast, barren plateaus and in between, speckled like turquoise jewels, the great salt lakes of the Changtang characterize the landscape of Ladakh © GHE
Your Fair Trails® Experts & Explorers
The expeditions Leader
Irfan was born and raised in Ladakh and has been leading multi-day expeditions through various valleys of the Moon Country since 2012. As a native of Ladakhi, Irfan understands the different local cultures and provides an interesting opportunity for team members to get an in-depth knowledge and an inner view. He knows the secrets of the Silk Road, of which Ladakh was a part, and is the guiding light of the team. Irfan is also an avid biker and adventurer. His main focus is on adventure tourism, which is going strong in Ladakh. In addition to tourism, he is passionate about environmental issues in his homeland and the promotion of backward areas.
Irfan Hussain,
Fair Trails® Expert
Jaideep bansal,
Fair Trails® Expert
The development Expert
Jaideep Bansal is a social impact leader from India and has been leading sustainability expeditions in the Himalayas with GHE for ten years. He has also led expeditions as a trainer for several companies and has developed the entire Ladakh region through exploration projects with the team. An IIT alumnus, Jaideep has been instrumental in addressing rural development through tourism at several national and international forums. He is a regular marathon runner and has also run the world’s highest marathon in Ladakh several times.
Global Himalayan Expeditions (GHE) is the partner of Fair Trails® in India. GHE is THE pioneer of sustainable travel in India and has won many awards for its inspiring projects, including from National Geographic and the World Tourism Council. GHE’s electrification expeditions are unique in that they have been able to bring light to many remote villages in India, particularly in Ladakh. This successful model is now to be applied to Arunachal Pradesh for the first time. To this end, GHE and Fair Trails® have formed a strong partnership. We cannot imagine a better partnership. GHE will lead this exploration expedition with its regional expertise.
The Trail Guru
Managing Director at Trail Angels. Is convinced that responsible travel can make the world a better place and is therefore a passionate product developer for sustainable tourism. Equipped with a never-ending enthusiasm for the wonders of nature, the lure of the high mountains and the secrets of foreign cultures. Graduate geographer, national park expert (20 years in national park management) and Himalayan veteran (since 1992 approx. 20 trekking trips and expeditions).
Günter Mussnig,
Fair Trails® Explorer
Peter Scheuch,
Fair Trails® Explorer
The impact Expert
Founder of Ennovent, a company that supports sustainable startups in developing countries, especially in India and Nepal. Responsible for sustainable impact at Fair Trails® and convinced that fair tourism can contribute to the sustainable development of remote mountain regions. Lived in Nepal for 5 years and has worked for sustainability in Asia and Africa for over 20 years. In all this time, enthusiasm for the biodiversity and cultures of mountain landscapes has not waned.
Studied environmental management in Vienna and protected landscape management in England. Über 35 Jahre Erfahrung mit Trekkingreisen und Bergtouren weltweit (Österreich, Skandinavien, Himalaya, Karakoram, Afrika undOver 35 years of experience with trekking trips and mountain tours worldwide (Austria, Scandinavia, Himalaya, Karakoram, Africa and South America).
The connecting strategist
Strategy Director at Ennovent and catalyst for sustainable impact in low-income regions. Passionate about working with companies that have a positive impact on conservation. Has lived in more than 10 countries since birth, where he learned to appreciate diverse cultures and make connections. His mission at Fair Trails® is very clear: to actively contribute to sustainable change in tourism patterns in developing countries.
Studied management and sustainability in India, Australia, Singapore and the United Kingdom, years of trekking experience in the Himalayas, the forests of the Western Ghats and along the fjords of northern Norway.
Karan Chandran,
Fair Trails® Explorer
The program of the Fair Trails® Explorer Tour

On this Explorer Tour, several mountain passes with more than 5,000m above sea level are crossed. What they all have in common is that they are decorated by the travelers with prayer flags © GHE
1. Day | 30.09.2022 | Arrival to Leh
2. Day | 01.10.2022 | Leh City and Heritage Tour
3. Day | 02.10.2022 | Mountainbike Tour close to Leh for acclimatization
4. Day | 03.10.2022 | Trekking from Rumbak to Gandala Base
5. Day | 04.10.2022 | Trekking to Village Shingo
6. Day | 05.10.2022 | Trekking to Village Sara
7. Day | 06.10.2022 | Trekking to Village Umlung
8. Day | 07.10.2022 | Trekking to Camp Thachungtse
9. Day | 08.10.2022 | Trekking to Camp Nimaling
10. Day | 09.10.2022 | Trekking to Village Shang Sumdo
11. Day | 10.10.2022 | Transfer to Village Kungyam
12. Day | 11.10.2022 | Impact program: installation of the solar water heaters
13. Day | 12.10.2022 | Back transfer to Leh and feedback round
14. Day | 13.10.2022 | Departure form Leh

The destination of our Explorer Tour: The Changthang, the Tibetan plateau in the east of Ladakh, with the grandiose mountain lake Tso Moriri as destination
© Google Maps
Hard Facts: Explorer Tour Ladakh
Date: 30. September – 14. October
Price: € 1.948,-
This is an “Explorer Tour Nice Price” (cost price without commission); € 100,– per person will be donated to GHE’s project “solar powered water heaters for remote mountain villages in Ladakh”.
Included in the costs:
• Overnight stay in double room in selected hotels/lodges/guest houses (where available) or in tent (during trekking)
• Full board
• All mobility services from Leh airport
• Qualified guiding
• Luggage transport (max. 15kg/person) during trekking
• Guided mountainbike tour
• All necessary permits
• Impact fee for the solar water heaters
• Participation in the impact project
• CO2 flight compensation with our partner Atmosfair® (based on economy)
• Expert advice during trip preparation
• Accompaniment by Fair Trails® experts
Become an Explorer & create a Fair Trail with us

Ancient Ladakhi with festival jewelry of xi stones, coral, turquoise and silver hangings. Fair Trails® initiative with GHE seeks to trigger careful sustainable development while preserving centuries-old culture © GHE
What expects you as an Explorer?
We have developed the “Explorer Tours” travel format to explore new Fair Trails® (as with this one) or to test future Fair Trails® offerings. In most cases, the trip is also accompanied by an accompanying media production (photo, film, blog). Explorer tours are therefore very special exploratory trips that open up a unique experience with profound insights into the great myths and challenges of the region and invite you to actively participate. Your inspiration and creativity are needed for product development, the integration of impact projects, as well as for travel reports.
Especially for this Explorer Tour, experienced adventure travelers with a spirit of discovery, tolerance, patience and humor are needed, because exploration expeditions will always present you with new, exciting and unexpected challenges. Team spirit is very important to us! Because an inspired and cool team with great cohesion will be able to overcome all challenges together. And lay the foundation for something really great, a sustainable future for the local people.
How can I become an Explorer?
We have made you curious? You want to be part of the Fair Trails® community and participate in shaping the new way of traveling in the future? And you think that this Fair Trails® Explorer Tour is the right one for you? Then just send us your interest for this Explorer Tour!
We will then get in touch with you and together, we will tackle the further milestones for the Explorer Tour step by step. And we are already convinced: You have made the right decision and we will explore this new Fair Trail together. We look forward to hearing from you!
Become an Explorer now
or simply ask for more information without obligation.
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